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  • Officers & Staff
    Randy Reaves


    DUTIES OF THE PRESIDENT: It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings; to see that the Constitution and By-Laws of this Lodge are enforced; to sign all papers requiring his signature; to appoint the majority of members of each committee, with the advice and consent of the Executive Board, to appoint all officers pro tem in case of absentees; to appoint any member from the floor to fill any office during initiation. The President shall be Chairman of the Executive Board, exofficio Chairman of the Board of Trustees, and in the event of a tie, he shall cast the deciding vote. It shall be the duty of the President to communicate the password to all members entitled to receive the same, and to the Lodge when a new password has been conveyed to him; to notify the Grand and State Lodge in any change of Recording Secretary either at the time of election, or between elections, giving the name, address and the signature of the Recording Secretary. It shall be the duty of the President to call Special Meetings of the Lodge as prescribed in Article IV, Section 2, and to be first to inspect the ballot when voting upon an application for membership and report the result of same to the Lodge after the Vice-President has inspected same

    1st Vice President
    Beau Bottin

    DUTIES OF THE FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT: The First Vice-President shall assist the President in the discharge of his duties while the Lodge is assembled.  In the absence of the President, the power and duties of the office of President shall be exercised by the First Vice President.  The First Vice President shall succeed to the office of President in the event of death, resignation or other permanent vacancy of such office during an unexpired term thereof.  He shall appoint the minority of each committee with the advice and consent of the Board of Directors, and shall be Chairman of the Membership Committee.

    2nd Vice President
    Lynette Clinch

    DUTIES OF THE SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT: In the absence of the First Vice- President, the Second Vice-President will assume the office of First Vice President.  In the absence of both the President and the First Vice-President, the Second Vice-President shall exercise the duties of the President. Second Vice-President Clinch also heads the Special Events committee.

    Immediate Past President
    Steve Zona

    DUTIES OF THE IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT: The immediate Past President will be a member of the Executive Board and shall assist the President and other officers of the Lodge. He shall execute such arrangements or orders as may be issued by the Lodge President or Executive Board.

    Vontez Wright

    (904) 398-7010

    DUTIES OF THE RECORDING SECRETARY: The Recording Secretary shall have custody of books, records, documents, the Seal of the Lodge and office paraphernalia and equipment, under the general authority and orders of the President and the Board of Directors.  He shall take a record and transcribe minutes of the meetings and Executive Board meetings, and shall submit the same for approval or rejection at the next succeeding meeting.  He shall attest under the Seal of the Order, all duly authorized contracts of the Order.  He shall conduct the general correspondence of the Lodge.  He shall be the official custodian of the Constitution and By-Laws of the Order; which shall be authenticated by the Seal of the Order and the signature of the President.  He shall keep a record of the official amendments adopted at meetings amending the Constitution and By-Laws, duly authenticated by the Seal of the Order and signature of the President and Recording Secretary, in a book known as The Book of Amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws.  Within ten (10) days of the expiration of his term of office, or termination thereof for any reason the Recording Secretary shall deliver to his successor the Official Seal of the Order, and all books, documents, records, paraphernalia and equipment, and all other Lodge property in his possession, and shall require and receive a receipt therefore.  He shall at each session of the Executive Board, submit a full and complete report in writing of his official business transacted by him subsequent to the last meeting of the Executive Board together with such recommendation as he may deem advisable.

    Shawn McCormick

    (904) 398-7010

    DUTIES OF THE TREASURER: the Treasurer shall receive and take charge of all monies belonging to the Lodge, pay all orders drawn on him, signed by the President and Recording Secretary, keep an accurate account of all monies received and expended and credit each Special Account with such sums as occurs.  He shall give to the Auditing Committee correct account of all money in his possession, together with the books, papers and receipts, belonging to his office, and at any time when ordered by the Executive Board, he shall deliver all monies, books and papers to the Trustees.  He shall deposit all monies belonging to the Lodge in the bank to the credit of the Lodge.  He shall deliver to his successor in office all books and other property belonging to the Lodge within ten (10) days of the expiration or termination of his term of office.  He shall perform such other duties as are usual and incident to his office.  He shall, at each session of the Board of Directors, submit a full and complete report in writing of his official business transacted by him subsequent to the last meeting of the Executive Board together with recommendations as he may deem advisable.  

    Jose Rivera

    (904) 398-7010

    DUTIES OF THE CONDUCTORThe Conductor shall perform such duties as are prescribed in the "Ritualistic" work of the Lodge. When the Lodge is in session, he/she shall, at the order of the President, take up the Password from each member present and perform such duties as the President may require. In the absence of the President and Vice-President, it shall be his/her duty to open the Lodge and preside at the meeting, assuming the same power and prerogative as the President. It shall be his/her duty to welcome and attend visitors.

    Outer Guard
    Ed Hernandez

    DUTIES OF THE OUTER GUARD: It shall be the duty of the Outer Guard to attend the Outer Door. He/she shall inspect all dues cards of members, and allow no one to enter except those with a paid-up dues card. It shall be the duty of the Outer Guard to take the card and money to the Secretary for the payment of dues and return same to member before allowing him to pass. 

    Clarence Jarrell


    DUTIES OF THE CHAPLAIN: To lead the Lodge in prayer and assist the President of the Lodge at all funerals of our Brothers. "Almighty God, the Ruler of the Universe, be Thou with us in all our deliberations, guide us in every word and act, help us we ask Thee as we meet the main problems and issues that come before this body, protect us against the sharp passions of unguarded moments, and finally save us amongst the redeemed, in Jesus' name we ask it. Amen."

    Board Of Directors
    John Gay

    The Board of Directors, shall have the authority to render all decisions concerning the welfare of the Lodge.  They shall have the authority to discipline the membership of the Lodge for misconduct in premises.  Any decision rendered by the Board of Directors may be appealed to the Lodge.  In addition, it shall be the duty of the Board of Directors to require an audit of all books and papers of the Lodge.

    Board of Directors
    Tim Morris

    The Board of Directors, shall have the authority to render all decisions concerning the welfare of the Lodge.  They shall have the authority to discipline the membership of the Lodge for misconduct in premises.  Any decision rendered by the Board of Directors may be appealed to the Lodge.  In addition, it shall be the duty of the Board of Directors to require an audit of all books and papers of the Lodge.

    Board of Directors
    Joe Quinn

    The Board of Directors, shall have the authority to render all decisions concerning the welfare of the Lodge.  They shall have the authority to discipline the membership of the Lodge for misconduct in premises.  Any decision rendered by the Board of Directors may be appealed to the Lodge.  In addition, it shall be the duty of the Board of Directors to require an audit of all books and papers of the Lodge.

    Board of Directors
    Andy Latimer

    The Board of Directors, shall have the authority to render all decisions concerning the welfare of the Lodge.  They shall have the authority to discipline the membership of the Lodge for misconduct in premises.  Any decision rendered by the Board of Directors may be appealed to the Lodge.  In addition, it shall be the duty of the Board of Directors to require an audit of all books and papers of the Lodge.

    Board of Directors
    Clarence James

    The Board of Directors, shall have the authority to render all decisions concerning the welfare of the Lodge.  They shall have the authority to discipline the membership of the Lodge for misconduct in premises.  Any decision rendered by the Board of Directors may be appealed to the Lodge.  In addition, it shall be the duty of the Board of Directors to require an audit of all books and papers of the Lodge.

    Board of Directors
    Cris Keith

    The Board of Directors, shall have the authority to render all decisions concerning the welfare of the Lodge.  They shall have the authority to discipline the membership of the Lodge for misconduct in premises.  Any decision rendered by the Board of Directors may be appealed to the Lodge.  In addition, it shall be the duty of the Board of Directors to require an audit of all books and papers of the Lodge.

    Board of Directors
    Mark Johnson

    The Board of Directors, shall have the authority to render all decisions concerning the welfare of the Lodge.  They shall have the authority to discipline the membership of the Lodge for misconduct in premises.  Any decision rendered by the Board of Directors may be appealed to the Lodge.  In addition, it shall be the duty of the Board of Directors to require an audit of all books and papers of the Lodge.

    Board of Trustees
    Bobby Deal

    DUTIES OF THE TRUSTEES: It shall be the duty of the Board of Trustees to manage the property of the Lodge and all bonds of officers required by the Lodge.  An inventory shall be conducted and an accounting of all property no later than the last day of February of each year with a copy of the inventory furnished to the Executive Board.  All permanent invested funds of the Lodge shall be revised quarterly by the Board of Trustees and any discrepancies shall be reported to the Executive Board, and shall not have the power to appropriate any part of the funds without a vote of the Lodge.  The Trustees shall be custodians of all bonds of Officers as required by the Lodge, and all deeds and valuable papers of the Lodge, which shall be kept in a safety deposit vault, premium to be paid by the Lodge. 

    Board of Trustees
    Harlan Peterson

    DUTIES OF THE TRUSTEES: It shall be the duty of the Board of Trustees to manage the property of the Lodge and all bonds of officers required by the Lodge.  An inventory shall be conducted and an accounting of all property no later than the last day of February of each year with a copy of the inventory furnished to the Executive Board.  All permanent invested funds of the Lodge shall be revised quarterly by the Board of Trustees and any discrepancies shall be reported to the Executive Board, and shall not have the power to appropriate any part of the funds without a vote of the Lodge.  The Trustees shall be custodians of all bonds of Officers as required by the Lodge, and all deeds and valuable papers of the Lodge, which shall be kept in a safety deposit vault, premium to be paid by the Lodge. 

    Board of Trustees
    Scott Watzlawick

    DUTIES OF THE TRUSTEES: It shall be the duty of the Board of Trustees to manage the property of the Lodge and all bonds of officers required by the Lodge.  An inventory shall be conducted and an accounting of all property no later than the last day of February of each year with a copy of the inventory furnished to the Executive Board.  All permanent invested funds of the Lodge shall be revised quarterly by the Board of Trustees and any discrepancies shall be reported to the Executive Board, and shall not have the power to appropriate any part of the funds without a vote of the Lodge.  The Trustees shall be custodians of all bonds of Officers as required by the Lodge, and all deeds and valuable papers of the Lodge, which shall be kept in a safety deposit vault, premium to be paid by the Lodge. 

  • Fraternal Order of Police Jacksonville Lodge 5-30

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